Tuesday, September 29, 2009

More Notes on Painting...

Journal on "The Bather"  (work in progress)
Discovered RED today.  Why I avoided it before I don't know.  It is Cadmium Red Deep and works so much better than the magenta I was using and complaining about it's indelibility; once magenta is down, you cannot get rid of it!  But red, as a primary, blends with other colors to derive pinks, purples and other colors, complimentary or not.
On Shapes:
 I've noted recently how important the indication of direction is in defining shapes-in-space.  Even if the entire form cannot be represented on the canvas, due to its placement or juxtaposition with other forms, still in order for a shape to read correctly, a contour showing direction can be all that's necessary for the eye to complete the entirety of the form.  Without this directional indicator the shape remains ambiguous!
Ambiguity can sometimes be desirable; but in defining a form, a shape, and its size and relative location in space, directional marks are what is essential in shape-making.

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